Illiterate, unemployable, ex-con. A truly loving father, who is passing his “life sentence” on to his children: He is devastated.
This courageous and compassionate young woman has been extracted from the American Dream: WORDLESS, JOBLESS, HOUSELESS, HOPELESS... STUCK.
Imprisoned to the projects, this single MOTHER-OF-FOUR is daring the impossible dream that her children will achieve what she never will.
This heroin addict's son, Ruben, escorts her every day to the Methadone Clinic. She doesn't work and he doesn't go to school: illiterate mother creates illiterate son.
THIS HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT, product of the streets, learned to read in prison. Now he refuses to watch the next generation be forgotten as he was.
A WIDOW, nearly crushed by life, finds her own salvation by becoming a reading mentor.
Underrated, a collaboration between Ryan Coogler, Proximity Media, A24, and Apple, recently premiered to critical acclaim at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival.
Jeff Martin is a producer of award-winning, high impact and culture changing films including UNDIVIDED, A RIVER BETWEEN US and LORD, SAVE US FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS. Jeff is the Founder of Children's Literacy Project an organization that utilizes film to bring much needed resources and volunteers to our most at-risk Public Schools.
Tony Kriz is a theologian, professor, award- winning author, international speaker and filmmaker. His influence extends from Eastern Europe to Portland, OR, from Yale University to the Southern Baptists, conservative and progressive think-tanks alike.
Connor Martin lives in Oregon working as a commercial and narrative director for internationally recognized brands including Old Spice,
Dr Pepper, NFL, Microsoft, Weiden & Kennedy, and many more. SENTENCED marks Connor's debut as a feature documentary director.
Mark Allen Johnson is an international photographer,
cinematographer, and journalist located in Los Angeles CA. In his career he has worked in conjunction with domestic and international police, military, prisons, criminals, organized crime syndicates, gangs, and governments. Johnson’s GONZO approach to storytelling focuses on giving unseen people, with unheard voices from underrepresented communities, a chance to have their authentic, unadulterated stories told.
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